Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Me as usual.. what else can the topic of a person so selfish to doubt the need of using another topic than myself to start my blog.Me i am 5' 7'' weighing about 55 kg a thin lean sickly figure which is devoid of all including compassion.I am currently doing my BTECH(Bachelor of Technology) at NIT Warangal(thats a crappy place in the middle of nowhere which is of little importance to me).However to be more precise i am at home in Trivandrum supervising what seems to be an attempt to make my house more attractive to the common man.To be short and simple its being painted.I really have not started with it though.My dad took my place today but he made it very clear that he would not be doing it again.Oh i forgot i am interested in photography(so i think) even though i am not too sure of what it is i capture exactly.It has been said by some crazy freak that a photo speaks a thousand words,however i cannot describe what i do even in a billion words.
Ya back to my story.I need not remind my readers that this whole thing is about me and only me for a person such as myself cannot think of anything but a topic as myself,but of course u do not have a choice of the topic which i write about because the whole of that is in my discretion.Ok!! NO MORE CRAP!!!.These days i have been troubled by many a problems each which seem to have no solution at all.However i do not think it proper on my part to be so pessimistic to think as the previous sentence suggests.Anyway since my problems are not what concern us at present i shall tell u about them later when appropriate for they are many and i need ample time to explain each of them in proper detail as to make u realize the situation i am currently in , which is what gave me the incite to start such a blog.
I had to get my learner's license today, however i had forgotten an important medical report which was absolutely necessary to confirm my eligibility as a normal human being(Thats my biggest doubt).I set out to RCC(Regional Cancer Centre) to my dad's office.Oh! i forgot he's the Head of Surgical oncology there.Ya i got out of my car(An Alto Vxi-ruby red).As i entered the famed institution which was covered by controversy a few years back i was surprised by the change that had come to the place from the time i had visited last.. i think 8 years ago.A security guard was pushing which seemed to me a patient to a side for whatever reason he had,probably he was blocking the entrance or something.Whatever be the reason i simply found the act criminal and offensive,but i could not devote my time and energy for some old man whom i was never acquainted with which probably would have been strange considering he was not even a patient of my father because i am the most selfish of the souls in this galaxy.I went upto my dad's department and got the medical report done within no time.
My dad dropped me back home and i waited for my nanaji(my moms dad) to take me to the driving school where i was to report before 10 am.I reached the driving school by about 9 45 and saw a semi bald man sitting under a board saying "GARUDA DRIVING SCHOOL". I entered the room to the delight(I think) of the teacher whom my mom most affectionately calls "Mohan Driver" though his name is some padmana....... which i discovered later on in the day.He checked those documents which related my procurement of the learner's license and seemed quite content.The heliography of his room was quite astounding,to the right were many road signs and to the left were the rules in a script quite known to me--Malayalam.The sudden change in my teachers expression suggested that one of his other students had arrived.
I turned around to see a girl in a pink salwar with a cute face looking puzzled to say the least.Along with her was her father i think.TO describe her would not be that easy but ill do my best chubby cheeks,flowing hair,a bit fat an i should again mention a cute face and ya she was about my height.STOP!!!!! If u by any chance think that i was falling for her U ARE MISTAKEN!!!! i am not that easily swayed,however i consider it my obligation to describe the beautiful girl to all my readers.NO I AM NOT FALLING FOR HER!!!!!.
Ok now that the confusion is cleared ill proceed.My teacher checked her papers.. hang on why not name him Mr M to make it easier.ya as i said he checked her papers and said they were all in order and that we could go for the test.We walked to the bus stop and while waiting outside the CET(College of Engineering, Trivandrum) bus stop saw one of my schoolmates Deepak walk out of the college in a hurry.It was then that i decided to call my friend sumesh who was in the college then.He was as usual busy in the canteen pigging out on god knows what!!!.I informed him that i would not be able to meet him and just as i ended the call the bus Mr M was waiting for arrived and we got on.The bus journey was a boring one , one in which i forced myself to ask Mr M questions about driving,gears,traffic rules etc etc etc.
The girl and her dad were seated at the back of the bus and little did i see of them.I reached the RT office and i beheld a room of more than 100 people confined in a space less than a tennis court.Our country being the one that offered the right to equality to all placed the girl well ahead of me in the queue.Oh i forgot to tell u i had caught a glance of her name .. Parvaty.. cute name.. but not as cute as her.Anyway i could see her miles ahead of me in the queue with her occasionally glancing back at whether it was me or her dad i am not quite sure.However i did not bother much and stood there wondering when this was going to finish.It was then i felt an arm on my shoulder . i turned around to see my school mate roshan smiling at me.within a minute of seeing roshan i spotted yet another school mate -- sibi m ismail.. lovingly called as ibikibi by some.I had to pay a fee of Rs 480 to register for the test.I can understand that the country is in dire need for funds however paying a fee of Rs 480 i considered an offense.However i had to pay it.. who am i to go against the govt.
The 3 of us stood in a long queue for about 6 long hours being constantly entertained by a young girl of not more than 9 years of age.She was there with her elder brother who was to take the test and we understood that he had just completed his 12th standard.The scene was quite amusing whenever the young girl asked him a question and he did not know she gave him a light beating.If U r wondering what happened to the girl and MR M .. well I dint see MR M after that, however the girl was in front of me continuing her occasional glance.Ok i am not boring u any further with this dumb thing.. so i got the license and got out of the office and went home.I dont know what happened to the girl or MR M and i am in no mood to find out because i am too tired after waiting in a queue for 6 hours and without having eaten anything in the day.
i reached back home and resumed reading the novel i had started 2 days before"Pride and Prejudice-Jane Austen".I had about 100 pages to finish the book which i did very quickly.The book filled me with immense pleasure and i had never ever read a book quite so good.My friend Sumesh turned up at about 845 in the evening and first freshened himself and wanted to check his scraps on orkut.So while checking his scraps he also was chatting to a dozen people which included a vidyavenu,shweta,arun sudashan,vinu,aparna and many others which i do not recollect at the moment.. Watching him chat away was for some reason very distressing while i was listening to a dumb guy screaming " IVVVVVE BECUMMMMM SOOOO NUUMMMMBBB".I think i was the person who became numb and before long i asked him to stop it and move over and that is when i decided to write about my day on this blog....
As u have seen i chose to write about myself because i am a very selfish person and also because nothing else fitted what was going through me when i started writing the blog!!!
I will in future articles relate to u my most unbelievable experiences in a way so as not to bore u but to keep u interested.HELLO!!!! in case uve fallen asleep then wake up coz that is all!!!


Neethu said...

nice one to start with...but u gave a very pessimistic beginning...
good style of writing...humor is always encouraged...
so wat r u waiting for...go on blogging..kiddo... :)

Leela said...

Ahem! Thanks for the entertainment! :)

Asphalt Girl said...

i found this blog EXTREMELY funny... you write just AWESOME... you've got talent, and i'm not kidding.
Great going bro... total hug!

Srav said...

Prolly the third blog i ve ever commented on! awesome stuff dude! ( i restict my priviliged comments to only superb blogs! ) :)


dat wsnt bad.
looks lik u r done wit blogging 4 good.
btwn....pride & prejudice ...luvd it !

Unknown said...

waiting 4 d nxt 1....impressive!!!!!!:)

Kim Kelle said...

:-D you have more than one blog???
adipoli, btw! :D